
Over one hundred publications, I have selected the following in the frame of my actual research topics. A complete list of my publications can be consulted at ResearchGate »

    1. M. L. Díaz-Ramírez, E. Sánchez-González, J. Raziel Álvarez, G. A. González-Martínez, S. Horike, K. Kadota, K. Sumida, E. González-Zamora, M.-A. Springuel-Huet, A. Gutiérrez-Alejandre, V. Jancik, S. Furukawa, S. Kitagawa, I. A. Ibarra, E. Lima. Partially fluorinated MIL-101(Cr): from a miniscule structure modification to a huge chemical environment transformation inspected by 129Xe NMR. J. Mater. Chem. A, 7, 2019, 15101-15112

    2. H. Cortés, N. Mendoza‐Muñoz, F. A. Galván‐Gil, J. J. Magaña, E. Lima, M. González‐Torres, G. Leyva‐Gómez. Comprehensive mapping of human body skin hydration: A pilot study. Skin Research and Technology. 25, 2019, 187-193.

    3. H. A. Lara-García, O. Ovalle-Encinia, J. Ortiz-Landeros, E. Lima, H. Pfeiffer. Synthesis of Li4+xSi1-xFexO4 solid solution by dry ball milling and its highly efficient CO2 chemisorption in a wide temperature range and low CO2 concentrations. J. Mater. Chem. A, 7, 2019, 4153-4164.

    4. G. Leyva-Gómez, E. Santillan-Reyes, E. Lima, A. Madrid-Martínez, E. Krötzsch, D. Quintanar-Guerrero, D. Garciadiego-Cázares, A. Martínez-Jiménez, M. Hernández Morales, S. Ortega-Peña. A novel hydrogel of poloxamer 407 and chitosan obtained by gamma irradiation exhibits physicochemical properties for wound management. Materials Science and Engineering C. 74 (2017)36.

    5. N. A. Pérez, Lauro Bucio, X. Bokhimi, E. Lima, E. Soto. Quantification of amorphous phases in the silt fraction of Mexican pre-Hispanic adobe earth bricks. J. Appl. Cryst. 49 (2016) 1.

    6. A. Guzmán-Vargas, E. Lima, G. A. Uriostegui-Ortega, M. A. Oliver-Tolentino, E. E. Rodríguez. Adsorption and subsequent partial photodegradation of methyl violet 2B on Cu/Al layered double hydroxides. Applied Surface Science 363 (2016) 372.

    7. E. Pérez-Ramírez, E. Lima, A. Guzmán. Natural betalains supported on γ-alumina: A wide family of stable pigments. Dyes and Pigments 120 (2015) 161.

    8. S. Alcalá-Alcalá, C. G. Benítez-Cardoza, E. Lima, E. Piñón-Segundo, D. Quintanar-Guerrero. Evaluation of a combined drug-delivery system for proteins assembled with polymeric nanoparticles and porous microspheres; characterization and protein integrity studies. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 489 (2015) 139.

    9. Gerardo Leyva-Gómez, Enrique Lima, Guillermo Krötzsch, Rosario Pacheco-Marín, Nayeli Rodríguez-Fuentes, David Quintanar-Guerrero, Edgar Krötzsch. Physicochemical and Functional Characterization of the Collagen-Polyvinylpyrrolidone Copolymer . Journal Physical Chemistry B. 118 (2014) 9272.

    10. M. Hernández, E. Lima, A. Guzman, M. Vera, O. Novelo, V. Lara. A small change in the surface polarity of cellulose causes a significant improvement in its conversion to glucose and subsequent catalytic oxidation. Applied Catalysis B, 144 (2014) 528.

    11. A. Guzmán-Vargas, M. A. Oliver-Tolentino, E. Lima, J. Flores-Moreno. Efficient electrocatalytic reduction of nitrite species on zeolite modified electrode with Cu-ZSM-5. Electrochimica Acta 108 (2013) 583.

    12. E. Lima, R. Guerra, V. Lara, A. Guzmán. Gold nanoparticles as efficient antimicrobial agents for Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi. Chemistry Central Journal, 7 (2013) 11.

    13. E. Lima, J. Flores, A. Santana Cruz, G. Leyva-Gómez, E. Krötzsch. Controlled release of ferulic acid from a hybrid hydrotalcite and its application as an antioxidant for human fibroblasts. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 181 (2013) 1.

    14. E. Lima, M. Martinez-Ortiz, R. Gutierrez , M. Vera. Fluorinated hydrotalcites: The addition of highly electronegative species in Layered Double Hydroxides to tune basicity. Inorganic Chemistry, 51 (2012) 7774.

    15. E. Lima, A. Guzmán, M. Vera, J. L. Rivera, J. Fraissard, Aged Natural and Synthetic Maya Blue-Like Pigments: What Difference Does It Make?, Journal Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 4556 2012.

    16. Jiahui Huang, Enrique Lima, Tomoki Akita, Ariel Guzman, Caixia Qi, Takashi Takei, Masatake Haruta. Propene epoxidation with O₂ and H₂: Identification of the most active gold clusters, Journal of Catalysis, 278, 8-15, 2011.

    17. J. S. Valente, H. Pfeiffer, E. Lima, J. Prince, J. Flores. Cyanoethylation of alcohols by activated MgAl Layered Double Hydroxides: Influence of rehydration conditions and Mg/Al molar ratio on Brönsted basicity. Journal of catalysis, 279 (2011) 196.

    18. M. Barajas, P. Bosch, C. Malvaéz, C. Barragán, E. Lima. Stabilization of the Tlaltecuhtli monolith pigments, Journal of Archaeological Science, 37 (2010) 2881.

    19. J. S. Valente, E. Lopez-Salinas, X. Bokhimi, J. Flores, A.M. Maubert, E. Lima. Sulfated Nanocapsular Aluminas: Controlling their Brönsted and Lewis Acidity Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 16476 2009.

    20. A. Sampieri, E. Lima, on the acid-base properties of microwave irradiated hydrotalcite-like compounds containing Zn2+ and Mn2+. Langmuir, 25 (2009) 3634.

    21. H. Laguna, I. Ibarra, S. Loera, E. Lima, V. Lara. Azoic Dyes Hosted on Hydrotalcite-Like Compounds: Non Toxic Hybrid Pigments. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 98 (2007) 234.

    22. E. Lima, J. Balmaseda, E. Reguera. ¹²⁹Xe NMR spectroscopy study of porous cyanometallates. Langmuir, 23 (2007) 5752.

    23. E. Lima, M. Laspéras, L-C de Ménorval, D. Tichit, F. Fajula. Characterization of basic Catalysts by the use of Nitromethane as NMR Probe Molecule and Reactant. Journal of Catalysis. 223 (2004) 28.